Autism Spectrum Resouces

Here is a list of resources for those people in the autism spectrum which now includes Asperger's.


  • Autism Every Day Video - A must see video of what it is like to deal with a child on the spectrum or with Autistic characteristics. It does a fanominal job of telling and showing others what it is like to have a child on the spectrum although not all cases will be as extreme.
  • Autism Spot - This site has tons of ideas on things that you can do that might be helpful for your child that you can do at home from making charts to how to use a crash pad in multiple ways. There's a lot of information on here.
  • Our Journey Through Autism
  • My Asperger's Child
Real Stories
  • Taylor Morris - Here's a website of a girl named Taylor Morris who is on the Autism spectrum and is very sucessful. Her story is educational and encouraging. 
  • Educating a child with asperger's - This one talks about the child with Asperger's and helpful ideas for teachers who have to deal with a child who has Asperger's so the student does well.
  • Positively Autism - This website has file folder games and educational ideas for kids on the spectrum. It kind of is a Charolette Mason type philosophy.
  • Autism Bites! - Here's a website with things you can buy t-shirts and mugs and stuff.
  • Autism Graphics - Here is a site that has graphics for your site.