Company Products

There are some things you just can't make or get for cheap and you either do without or you improvise. However, if you are looking to purchase a product here are some companies I have looked into. You might consider getting their free catalog and brainstorm how you can make something simular that'll work.

  • Affordable Therapy Solutions - Honestly I can't say these are any more affordable or cheaper than any other company regardless of what the name says.
  • South Paw Enterprises - This company has a lot of resources as well as a catalog you can get. I must admit I love the quality of things they have which might be good for some families but the price range for us in many areas is too high. I do encourage you to take a look if you're handy working with wood or fabric. They also have some important individual parts for spinning or bouncing that I've yet to find at a hardware store that might be worth investing in.
  • Special Needs Toys - This site is nice because if you have a child with other special needs some of the things through this company might help.
  • NEW! Fun and Functional - Just ran across this company and they have some other sensory related products. The few items I looked out the prices were about average with the other companies on this listing.
  • Achievement Products - More occupational therapy products.
  • Soft Clothing - These clothes are tagless and have flat seams which work well for a child with sensory sensitivities.