- The Sensory Processing Disorder Resource Center - This by far is the best place for much of the information you will be able to find on the net in one place. It has been a huge blessing to our family.
- Vestibular Activities - This site deals solely with the vestibular sensory. It does a great job explaining and demonstrating what a child who struggles with this area behaves and acts like and gives great ideas of things you can do to help him or her.
- Lucy Gardens - This site shows how to make a sensory garden for kids.
- A Sensory Life
- SPD Bloggers Network - This is a collection of blogs from people who deal with SPD. There are lots of wonderful blogs you can access easily that deal with SPD, the Autism Spectrum, ADHD and many other issues. So if you feel like you're alone it might be helpful to see that there are other families who are dealing with the same thing.
- The Exception to Every Rule
- Spectrummy Mummy's Blog
- Therapy Fun Zone
- The Out-of-Sync Child by
- The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun
- The Recycling Occupational Therapist