SPD Resources

These are some resources I found to be helpful in our journey with a child with SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) or SID (Sensory Intgrated Dysfuction).

  • The Sensory Processing Disorder Resource Center - This by far is the best place for much of the information you will be able to find on the net in one place. It has been a huge blessing to our family.
  • Vestibular Activities - This site deals solely with the vestibular sensory. It does a great job explaining and demonstrating what a child who struggles with this area behaves and acts like and gives great ideas of things you can do to help him or her.
  • Lucy Gardens - This site shows how to make a sensory garden for kids. 

  • The Out-of-Sync Child by
  • The Out-of-Sync Child Has Fun
  • The Recycling Occupational Therapist